This online play therapy room offers so many benefits! This is an interactive and customizable Google Slides document. The main room has links to many of the other rooms for quick access via easy to access links. When you click on the pictures, a link will appear to take you to the different slides. The second slide in the document is a site map to allow quick access to whichever room you desire.
Rooms included:
- ADHD / Impulse Control
- Adoption / Foster Care
- Anger
- Anxiety
- Art
- Coping Skills
- Pandemic Resources
- Feelings
- Grief
- Meditation
- Movement
- Music
- Play Room
- Preschool /Toddlers
- Sadness
- Sexual Abuse ** This room is only accessible through the site map to prevent accidental clicking on it. It will also have you save a copy since it is a separate document.
- Social Skills
- Trauma
Each room includes various games, read-aloud books, and resources to help children with the specific issue in that room. Most rooms also have easy links to access other rooms as well. There are links to over 60 telehealth games that can be used in session, available for preschoolers up to teens. This resources is best for children ages 4-12.
Most rooms include YouTube videos with clips about coping with the presenting problem, a list of games for that problem, and parent and therapist resources.
This resource currently has 80 slides, but it is a growing resource and more content will be added in the future. Be sure to check back periodically to download the latest version.
When you purchase this resource, you will receive a PDF file with a link to the Google Slides document in a red box on page 3. It will ask you to save a copy to your Google Drive. This will give you a new, fresh copy that you can go back to at any time in the future.
This resource is completely customizable. If you do not want links to the games that can be purchased, feel free to delete them. You can delete unwanted slides and add new ones as you wish. You may delete the parent resources provided and add your own if you wish. Simply upload a picture of your resource and provide a link to access it. Or, you could type the resource's title, highlight it, and add a link.
The purpose of this resource is to provide an online office full of resources. Each time it is used in session, the children will become more familiar with the layout and options, providing a consistent “playroom” for them to use for sessions. You can make it your own by changing graphics or adding a bitmoji.