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Nosie Rosie is a book and game to help children identify and understand appropriate social boundaries. The story is about a little girl who has questions about everything! She wants to know why her classmate got in trouble and what the consequences will be, why her friends are arguing and wants to be the person to fix the problems of others. Her classmates became tired of her intrusive behavior, leading to one girl snapping at Rosie about being too nosey. In the end, Rosie becomes aware of how her questions and intrusive behavior are making others feel and she learns to be more respectful of the privacy of others.


The game prompts children to consider many aspects of social interactions to learn when to press in and when to hold back. They will be challenged to look for social cues, body language, voice tones, and to listen to others to hear what they need and desire in the relationship. They will also be challenged to consider that it is healthy for other kids to learn how to solve their own problems instead of being rescued.


Game Topics:

  • Questions – Children will be prompted to consider if their questions are appropriate, overwhelming, or if they are simply none of the child’s business to be asking.
  • Stop and Think – Kids will be challenged to stop and think before intervening or questioning others. Children will often cross boundary lines because of impulsivity.
  • Wait and See – Many questions are answered if we allow a little time to pass. Children may also need to understand the concept of delayed gratification or learn to be okay with not knowing things.
  • Redirect Thoughts – Cognitive Behavioral Therapy skills are introduced to help children rescript thoughts and beliefs to gain control over their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
  • Zip It – Blurting out thoughts comes naturally for many children (and adults)! Learning to control their mouths is a powerful life skill that can help in many aspects of relationships. These cards help kids consider when it is best to zip their lips and refrain from giving their opinion on a matter.
  • Ways to Learn – Children are inquisitive and curious, which helps them to learn. The desire to ask questions can stem from a desire to learn from other people’s mistakes. Redirecting children to other ways to learn may help reduce the urge to quiz other kids.
  • Ask First – Rather than assuming other people want to know your opinions and strategies to solve their problems, it can be helpful to ask if they want your help. These cards help children consider manners and show respect to others instead of assuming it is okay to insert themselves into the situation.
  • Empathy – We often judge others by what they do and ourselves by our intentions. Kids may have good intentions of intervening, but they may be offended if someone does it to them. These cards will challenge kids to consider what it feels like to feel embarrassed about something and then to have someone question them about what happened. Simply considering a different point of view can help children make more appropriate social decisions.


Product Details:

The book/game cover, gameboard, and cards are printed on 110 lb cardstock. The interior pages of the book are printed on 64 lb paper. It is bound by a 6mm spiral. You will receive 1 die and 6 pawns. 



Recommended Ages: 

This resource is best for children ages 5-12. 


telehealth version of this resource is available. 


Nosey Rosie - A Social Skills Book and Game - Hard Copy

SKU: 7426924958587
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